As Director of Medical Education, Professor Kastelik operationally supports the education and training of all Doctors in Training as well as supporting Educational and Clinical Supervisors.
As Deputy Director of Medical Education,
Dr Alia supports the Foundation
Training Programme as well as International
Medical Graduates.
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Charlotte supports the Directors as well as
managing the Medical Education Team.
Dr. Shiva Thippaiah is a consultant anaesthetist
and honorary clinical tutor at HYMS, serving in this role since 2017. He is an educational supervisor, intermediate trauma module lead, and is organising Primary FRCA exam preparation
courses for anaesthetic trainees.
Dr Sriama has been working in trust for 24 years and started as staff grade (Anaesthetics) in the Trust and now as an Associate Specialist. Sudhakar will work with SAS grades and help assist in achieving their Academic goals and career progression.
SuppoRTT was developed to enable trainees to have a safe, supported return to work by offering
a wide range of learning and support resources, which can be used to create a bespoke package
of support which suits their individual needs.
Having previously worked as a Vascular Radiology Consultant, Dr Saira Sayeed joined the trust in April 2024 into the newly established role of IMG/LED Tutor.
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Nikki supports the Revalidation of Doctors in Training as well as Educational Supervisor allocations, PACES Examination and Course.
Julie supports the administration of the
Generalist School across Northern Lincolnshire
& Goole NHS (NLAG) and Hull University Teaching Hospitals in implementing of policy, business planning, service developments and operational delivery of the school.
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Kaye manages the Centre activity as well as
Finance and Administrative support.
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The Foundation Year 1 administrator supports the Foundation Year One Trainees and the Foundation Training Programme Directors.
Cheryl supports the Foundation Year two trainees and the Foundation Training Programme Directors.
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Faye supports Junior Doctors Induction, Clinical
Attachments and the weekly Grand Round Teaching.
Carole supports the MEC Events team with
rooms bookings/ event support as well as
Junior Doctors QIP’s, Induction Support and Consultant Mandatory Training
Francine supports the Centre Activity as well
as Trust Doctor e-portfolio.
Cameron provides technical and media
production support.
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Meet Jess, a newcomer to the Trust and NHS. She's taken on the role of a digital marketing apprentice at the Medical Education Centre (MEC). Her dedication to creating helpful resources for new doctors and FY1s shines through.
Jayne provides admin support to the IMT Regional Teaching programme for IMT2 and IMT3 trainees as well supporting Specialist Training Committee’s for other TPD’s based in the Trust.
Kaytee provides admin support to the IMT Regional Teaching programme for IMT2 and IMT3 trainees as well supporting Specialist Training Committee’s for other TPD’s based in the Trust.
Janet provides admin support to the Director
Team as well as assisting with the Accreditation
for Educational Supervisors, and administration
of Appraisals for Educational/Clinical Leads
and College Tutors.
As library manager, I have responsibility for making sure the our great HUTH staff can
access the latest and best available evidence
to help deliver high quality care.
David’s main duties include Library Collection Management and Customer Services.
Cohen’s role is to ensure our users feel supported and are able to access all of the resources we supply,
I am responsible for our Document Delivery and
Inter Library Loan service.
01482 605 290
Daljit’s main duties are to conduct and demonstrate literature searches, marketing and updating and developing resources to support accessibility.
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
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